theRelaxative theRelaxative theRelaxative

Day 2: Delight

So I was feeling pretty good this morning. A little yoga felt great, and I decided to try my current normal exercise routine. I took a long walk and run out in the sunshine. I ended up at the gym where I've been working out. I stepped inside and tentatively sat down at the bench. I started to work out. To my delight, it felt amazing. I weighed myself, and I'd already lost two pounds (two pounds in two days?) (i'm not even trying to lose weight), but I'd lost nothing in strength. I must be burning fat. I felt like I was on ecstasy or something, my body felt light and clean and clear and focused. It was all so easy. What's going on?

Afterwards, walking and jogging home was more delight. Delight, as in "of light." That was the feeling. The sun was bright, the air cool and clear.

Home, I had some good cleansing poops, like the ones Daimian describes. (Not quite there with the vagina feeling, though! We'll see.) In the shower, my skin felt oddly soft. Nice. Weird. I'm imbibing more water and spicy lemonade as I write this.

So much for the supposedly difficult day 2! So far, at least. We'll see what the next hours bring.


Posted January 15, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1)


Day 2: Poop poop poop, poop poop poop poop 2!

Today I decided it would be a good idea to go into work and maybe earn a little extra money and avoid overt food distractions. However, this is also the first day where I will learn the wrath of the Salt Water Flush.

As I previously mentioned, you are to chug 1 quart of salt water as soon as you wake up and within an hour you will have an extremely wet bowel movement. Generally I have pretty specific time budgeted (which I no doubt go over) to "prepare lunch for work", "maybe poop", "make breakfast", "brush my teeth" and "stretch". Today, I figured I would have plenty of time as I knocked-out "lunch for work" and "make breakfast".

So, I wake up and chug the salt water and await. After about 30 minutes I go to the bathroom. After another 5 minutes I go to the bathroom again. On my third trip I realize, amongst other things, that this is one of the closest sensations to being a woman I may ever get because you see, while I may say "poop" or "#2", it is more like you are urinating from your butt. As I am a male with a decent appendage, I rarely ever have a sensation similar to a woman's vagina, but today I did and for a second realized it probably felt pretty similar to what I was experiencing.

However, the projection had to end and I readied myself for my 30 minute commute (20 minutes walking, 10 minutes BART) to work. As I was departing my apartment I was thinking how I extremely did not want to have to desperately go to to the bathroom on the subway, or in the road, so I did a little check. The check I would say is equivalent to keigel exercises but you are more tightening your poop/butt muscles and seeing if you have to go. Sure enough I determined it would not be worth the potential mess so I ran upstairs for another go round. Following this I grabbed an extra pair of underwear and thankfully made it to work without any additional issues.

This is something you gradually learn throughout the cleanse, the time and extent of your poops following the Salt Water Flush. Hopefully I now know mine.

Well, poop ya later!


Posted January 15, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (3)


Day 2

It's been up and down this first 36 hours, but mostly up. I've felt hungry, but not unbearably. My body feels a little edgy, like the molecules in my arms are frenetic. No food to settle me down. But my energy has actually been quite good so far. I feel light, at times in the good ecstatic way and at other times in the unsettling light-headed way.

As for the relaxative moments we're all waiting for, I had a strange movement around 4am last night. Liquidy stream. Not much left in there after dropping off all the big kids at the pool yesterday morning.

The sea water flush this morning, however, did not produce any immediate flush as it's supposed to do. Not sure what to do about that. Perhaps increase the salt quotient.

Now it's spicy lemonade until the cows come home.


Posted January 15, 2007 | Permalink | Be the first to comment


Daimian's motivations on the MasterCleanse

Hello, so the fast has begun and the relaxative has begun as well. As Tony mentioned his motivations for the fast, I will mention mine as well.

Something which initially motivated me rotates around my eternal quest for purity. I still find it strange that it took such a long time for me to realize one of my namesakes is "Demian", a wonderful book by Herman Hesse. However, when I found this lost bit of information out from my mom, I decided it would be a good idea to read the book. Flash forward a few months, and all of a sudden I had just experienced one of the books with the rare ability to transform your life; the books that come along and you live them for awhile (other such books in my life: "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand, "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Milman, "Illusions" by Richard Bach and "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut). My life became "Demian"; it became a conscious struggle of my holy parts verses my deviant parts, a no-holds barred battle to catapault me to a new understanding of myself. It worked though, and the side with love on it won again, as it seems to always do.

Additionally, I am going to take this opportunity to connect to my internal desire to pursue meditation and relaxation in a greater context. The one main thing I learned from previous brief fasts is the most difficult thing to encounter is personal stress, your body becomes weak, but your mind has the ability to become far weaker. Therefore, this time I was hoping to limit any complications by setting up my life to flow a bit slower, and ideally smoother (sometimes literally).

Now, as it is a new year and as it seems Resolutions are back in this year, it seemed like as good of a time as any other to attempt to sweep my body clean. Something that always has resonated with me of the little I know about the Chinese New Year is one procedure involves the full relocation of everything in your house: a couch on a different wall, a bookshelf scooted over 10 feet, a shifting of the energy. What this allows is not only a new perspective, but an ability to clean and renew the areas which were previously stagnant. I guess I am hoping the fast can serve a similar function.

Additionally it seems my coworkers, Justine Hewitt and Roberta Wahl, both individually made a resolution to not drink any alcohol for the month of January. As I am the only other one in the office it seemed only fitting that I follow suit and as I didn't start until the 9th of January and am going to be on a fast until the 28th it didn't even seem that hard. Add to all of this my self-imposed fast on masturbation and you can almost refer to me as Brother Daimian, the newest monk on the block!

Furthermore, it seems now there is all this talk about the MasterCleanse as solely a resource for dieters to lose weight fast which seems to bringing more and more people to it as well as ostracizing everyone who may have a higher pursuit within the cleanse. It actually is rather funny that as me and Tony were looking at one of the main Master Cleanse informational sites ( that we saw a link to Beyonce. We both were like what is a Beyonce, do we add that to the mix? Nope, it is just Beyonce Knowles, former lead singer of Destiny's Child, who is now getting all this press for dropping her weight for her new role in "Dreamgirls" via the MasterCleanse. Life sure is silly sometimes.

Well, I send my intention out into the world and I hope I have the clarity to appreciate the quest as it occurs.

Poop on!


Posted January 14, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1)


Day 1: Poop poop poop, poop poop poop poop!

So, I have started the MasterCleanse with some Laxative tea last night and the Salt Water Flush this morning. I heard that you most definitely are going to be needing the bathroom.

Anyways, each morning you are supposed to wake up and then chug 1 quart (similar to a half-gallon) of salt water. I am pretty sure this is going to be the worse part as I have spent most of my time around salt water trying to make sure it doesn't get in my mouth.

Within an hour you are supposed to have a need for the toilet and this proved true. After my bowel movement, like all civilized beings I looked at my poop and it seemed a little healthier, but I wasn't all that impressed. So I flushed the toilet, grabbed my magazine and started to go wash my hands. I think it was after about 5 steps that the Salt Water Flush actually finally was able to kick in causing me to rush back to the toilet and have the type of poo I should have been expecting. This process is supposed to be externally releasing the toxins your body is internally releasing, and it does expunge all it can with a fervant power/shower.



Though we don't have the type of relationship we will one day have when I wipe you off my baby's bottom or clean the remnant's of my dog's bladder infection off the carpet, I want you to know that I do care and want us to have a positive relationship.

Me and my poop, best friends forever. Or to coin my good friend, Karl Mauks-Koepke's saying,

"#2 is #1 for me!"


Daimian Holiday Scott



Posted January 14, 2007 | Permalink | Be the first to comment


Tony's Reasons

For the record, I'm doing this whole cleanse thing for a variety of reasons:

1. Wisdom. What is fasting, what is the body, what are our needs? Are we more animal, or more something else, something greater? Why did Jesus fast for 40 days in the desert?

2. Solidarity. People all over the world, including many in this rich insane nation of our own, don't have enough to eat. Daily. What's that like? To be regularly, simply, hungry?

3. Health. I've wanted to cleanse my body of accumulated detritus, toxins, and other unneeded odd stuff for quite some time -- since getting back from nine months in Peru, at least.

4. Remembrance. I was sick for six months in 1998, and ever since that fateful psychosomatic time, I've done some kind of remembrance of that suffering through giving up foods at some time during the month of January -- partly to remember and partly to deepen my current gratitude for health. So, this is the biggest remembrance I've ever done. Sanitas aegrotatioque reminiscor.

5. Friendship. To do something in support, something while being supported. We two exlaxers are doing this together.

6. Curiosity. What is cleansing, anyway? Can I do it? Can I not eat, not masticate, not digest, not even touch tooth to substance for days upon days?


Posted January 14, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)


Day 1, Baby

So we're embarking on this fast. Not gonna eat until forever, or 10 days, whichever comes first. Just imbibed my first sea water flush (a jug full of water with uniodized sea salt). Feeling OK. A little anxious.


Posted January 14, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)


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